Chapter 6- Physical and Chemical Changes-Class 7-Class 7 Question and Answer (MCQs)

Chapter 6- Physical and Chemical Changes –  MCQs (Solved Worksheet)

What is the result of the interaction between iron and copper sulphate solution?

a) Formation of copper sulphate

b) Formation of iron sulphate

c) Formation of a green solution

d) Deposition of iron on copper

Answer: b) Formation of iron sulphate

Also Check – NCERT Exemplar Solutions- Class 7 Science Chapter – 6- Physical and Chemical Changes

In the reaction between vinegar (acetic acid) and baking soda (sodium hydrogen carbonate), what gas evolved?

a) Oxygen

b) Hydrogen

c) Carbon dioxide

d) Nitrogen

Answer: c) Carbon dioxide

What does the milky appearance of lime water indicate when carbon dioxide is passed through it?

a) Formation of calcium hydroxide

b) Presence of oxygen

c) Presence of carbon monoxide

d) Formation of calcium carbonate

Answer: d) Formation of calcium carbonate

How is rusting prevented in iron objects?

a) By exposing them to open air

b) By limiting exposure to oxygen and moisture

c) By heating them to high temperatures

d) By applying a layer of water

Answer: b) By limiting exposure to oxygen and moisture

What is the outcome of burning magnesium?

a) Formation of magnesium sulphate

b) Formation of magnesium oxide

c) Formation of magnesium hydroxide

d) Formation of magnesium chloride

Answer: b) Formation of magnesium oxide

When iron interacts with copper sulphate solution, what type of reaction occurs?

a) Combination reaction

b) Displacement reaction

c) Acid-base reaction

d) Oxidation-reduction reaction

Answer: b) Displacement reaction

What does the brownish deposit on an iron object exposed to copper sulphate solution indicate?

a) Formation of copper sulphate

b) Formation of iron oxide

c) Deposition of copper

d) Formation of iron sulphate

Answer: c) Deposition of copper

What gas is produced when vinegar reacts with baking soda?

a) Oxygen

b) Hydrogen

c) Carbon dioxide

d) Nitrogen

Answer: c) Carbon dioxide

In the reaction between magnesium and oxygen, what is the product?

a) Magnesium hydroxide

b) Magnesium oxide

c) Magnesium sulphate

d) Magnesium carbonate

Answer: b) Magnesium oxide

What does the hissing sound and bubble formation indicate in the reaction between vinegar and baking soda?

a) Release of oxygen gas

b) Release of carbon dioxide gas

c) Release of hydrogen gas

d) Release of nitrogen gas

Answer: b) Release of carbon dioxide gas

What is the result of exposing iron to open air and moisture?

a) Melting

b) Rusting

c) Evaporation

d) Condensation

Answer: b) Rusting

Which activity demonstrates the reversible nature of phase changes based on temperature adjustments?

a) Cutting a piece of paper

b) Baking bread

c) Reversibility of melting ice

d) Burning paper

Answer: c) Reversibility of melting ice

What process is responsible for the formation of water droplets on the inner surface of an inverted pan held over boiling water?

a) Vaporization

b) Condensation

c) Evaporation

d) Sublimation

Answer: b) Condensation

In the activity involving heating a hack-saw blade, what type of change is observed?

a) Chemical change

b) Biological change

c) Physical change

d) Nuclear change

Answer: c) Physical change

What is the primary composition of rust that forms on iron?

a) Iron

b) Water

c) Oxygen

d) Hydrated iron oxides

Answer: d) Hydrated iron oxides

Which activity involves the transformation of iron into a new substance?

a) Burning paper

b) Reversibility of melting ice

c) Rusting of iron

d) Digesting food

Answer: c) Rusting of iron

What is the defining characteristic of most physical changes?

a) Formation of new substances

b) Change in colour

c) Irreversibility

d) Reversibility

Answer: d) Reversibility

Which concept explains the transformation of a substance from a liquid to a gas due to heating?

a) Vaporization

b) Condensation

c) Evaporation

d) Sublimation

Answer: a) Vaporization

What does the brownish substance formed on the surface of iron exposed to open air and moisture indicate?

a) Physical change

b) Chemical change

c) Biological change

d) Nuclear change

Answer: b) Chemical change

Which activity helps in understanding the nature of substances based on their physical properties?

a) Reversibility of melting ice

b) Rusting of iron

c) Conversion of steam to water droplets

d) Digesting food

Answer: a) Reversibility of melting ice

What is the result of the interaction between iron and copper sulphate solution?

a) Formation of copper sulphate

b) Formation of iron sulphate

c) Formation of a green solution

d) Deposition of iron on copper

Answer: b) Formation of iron sulphate

In the reaction between vinegar (acetic acid) and baking soda (sodium hydrogen carbonate), what gas evolved?

a) Oxygen

b) Hydrogen

c) Carbon dioxide

d) Nitrogen

Answer: c) Carbon dioxide

What does the milky appearance of lime water indicate when carbon dioxide is passed through it?

a) Formation of calcium hydroxide

b) Presence of oxygen

c) Presence of carbon monoxide

d) Formation of calcium carbonate

Answer: d) Formation of calcium carbonate

How is rusting prevented in iron objects?

a) By exposing them to open air

b) By limiting exposure to oxygen and moisture

c) By heating them to high temperatures

d) By applying a layer of water

Answer: b) By limiting exposure to oxygen and moisture

What is the outcome of burning magnesium?

a) Formation of magnesium sulphate

b) Formation of magnesium oxide

c) Formation of magnesium hydroxide

d) Formation of magnesium chloride

Answer: b) Formation of magnesium oxide

When iron interacts with copper sulphate solution, what type of reaction occurs?

a) Combination reaction

b) Displacement reaction

c) Acid-base reaction

d) Oxidation-reduction reaction

Answer: b) Displacement reaction

What does the brownish deposit on an iron object exposed to copper sulphate solution indicate?

a) Formation of copper sulphate

b) Formation of iron oxide

c) Deposition of copper

d) Formation of iron sulphate

Answer: c) Deposition of copper

What gas is produced when vinegar reacts with baking soda?

a) Oxygen

b) Hydrogen

c) Carbon dioxide

d) Nitrogen

Answer: c) Carbon dioxide

In the reaction between magnesium and oxygen, what is the product?

a) Magnesium hydroxide

b) Magnesium oxide

c) Magnesium sulphate

d) Magnesium carbonate

Answer: b) Magnesium oxide

What does the hissing sound and bubble formation indicate in the reaction between vinegar and baking soda?

a) Release of oxygen gas

b) Release of carbon dioxide gas

c) Release of hydrogen gas

d) Release of nitrogen gas

Answer: b) Release of carbon dioxide gas

What is the primary difference between physical changes and chemical changes?

a) Physical changes involve the formation of new substances, while chemical changes do not.

b) Physical changes are always irreversible, while chemical changes are reversible.

c) Physical changes alter the chemical composition, while chemical changes do not.

d) Physical changes alter the form or appearance without changing the chemical composition, while chemical changes transform substances into new ones by altering their chemical composition. 

Answer: d) Physical changes alter the form or appearance without changing the chemical composition, while chemical changes transform substances into new ones by altering their chemical composition.

What is the primary product of the reaction when magnesium burns in the presence of oxygen?

a) Magnesium hydroxide

b) Magnesium sulphate

c) Magnesium oxide

d) Magnesium chloride 

Answer: c) Magnesium oxide

Which of the following is NOT a manifestation of a chemical change?

a) Burning phenomena

b) Explosive reactions

c) Spoilage of food

d) Melting ice 

Answer: d) Melting ice

What happens when iron interacts with copper sulphate solution?

a) Formation of iron sulphate and deposition of copper

b) Formation of copper sulphate and deposition of iron

c) Formation of iron chloride and deposition of copper

d) Formation of copper chloride and deposition of iron

 Answer: a) Formation of iron sulphate and deposition of copper

What gas is released when vinegar reacts with baking soda?

a) Oxygen

b) Hydrogen

c) Carbon dioxide

d) Nitrogen 

Answer: c) Carbon dioxide

Which of the following is a consequence of rusting?

a) Increased durability of iron objects

b) Decreased maintenance costs in industries

c) Significant economic implications due to damage

d) Enhanced resistance to environmental exposure

 Answer: c) Significant economic implications due to damage

What is the result of the neutralisation process?

a) Formation of water and salt

b) Formation of oxygen gas and water

c) Formation of carbon dioxide and water

d) Formation of hydrogen gas and salt

 Answer: a) Formation of water and salt

What chemical reaction occurs during rusting?

a) Redox reaction

b) Acid-base reaction

c) Precipitation reaction

d) Complexation reaction 

Answer: a) Redox reaction

Which of the following substances is commonly associated with the prevention of rusting in iron objects?

a) Zinc

b) Copper

c) Aluminium

d) Silver 

Answer: a) Zinc

What type of reaction occurs when iron displaces copper from a copper sulphate solution?

a) Combination reaction

b) Decomposition reaction

c) Displacement reaction

d) Precipitation reaction

 Answer: c) Displacement reaction

What is the purpose of applying a protective coating like paint to iron objects?

a) To make them look more appealing

b) To enhance their electrical conductivity

c) To create a barrier against oxygen and moisture

d) To increase their weight and durability 

Answer: c) To create a barrier against oxygen and moisture

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