What is the Difference between Plant Vacuoles and Animal Vacuoles?

Plant Vacuoles and Animal Vacuoles

Vacuoles are membrane-bound Cell Organelles which are found in cells of both Plants and Animals. 

In plant cells, vacuoles are large and can take up most of the cell’s volume. They store water and nutrients, and also play a role in maintaining the cell’s shape and structure. In animal cells, vacuoles are smaller and have a variety of functions, such as storing waste products, breaking down and recycling Cellular Components.

Also Check – Cell Organelles – The Complete Guide

5 Important Difference between Plant Vacuoles and Animal Vacuoles

Plant VacuoleAnimal Vacuole
1Plant cell has single large vacuoles that almost cover 90% of the cell space.Animal cell contains one or many Vacuoles which are smaller in size as compared to plant vacuoles.
2Plant vacuole contains cell sap.Animal vacuole contains fluid food or metabolic waste in animal cell.
3Vacuoles are permanent structure in plant cellVacuoles can be temporary structure in animal cell.
4Vacuoles are generally occurs in center of plant cell.Vacuoles are distributed all over the animal cell.
5Vacuoles in plant cell are important to maintain the turgor pressure.Vacuoles in animal cells are important in exocytosis and endocytosis.
5 Important Difference between Plant Vacuoles and Animal Vacuoles5 Important Difference between Plant Vacuoles and Animal Vacuoles
Difference between Plant Vacuoles and Animal Vacuoles

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