Chapter 10- Respiration in Organisms–Class 7 science- Question and Answer (Fill in the Blanks)

Chapter 10- Respiration in Organisms– Fill in the Blanks with Answers (Solved Worksheet)

  1. The process where the food (glucose) is broken down in cells, releasing energy, is known as __________. Answer- Cellular respiration
  2. Organisms like yeast that can adapt to environments without oxygen get energy through __________ respiration. Answer- Anaerobic
  3. During respiration, the food acts as a source of __________, which is a primary substrate for respiration to occur. Answer- Glucose
  4. In anaerobic respiration, in the absence of oxygen, glucose is broken down into __________. Answer- Lactic Acid
  5. Enhanced physical activity leads to quicker energy utilisation, possibly explaining the feeling of __________ post-activity. Answer- Hunger
  6. During aerobic respiration, glucose and oxygen result in the production of __________, __________, and energy. Answer- Carbon Dioxide, Water
  7. During exhalation, the diaphragm __________ and resumes its dome shape. Answer- relaxes
  8. The ribs move __________ and __________ during inhalation, expanding the chest cavity. Answer- upwards, outwards
  9. Practical and playful activities allow for a more in-depth understanding of the __________ mechanism’s functionality and adaptability. Answer- breathing
  10. Pulling down the rubber sheet simulates the __________ of the diaphragm, causing inhalation. Answer- contraction
  11. In the lime water experiment, carbon dioxide reacts with calcium hydroxide to produce __________. Answer- calcium carbonate
  12. During the mirror test, exhaling onto a mirror results in the appearance of __________ on the mirror’s surface. Answer- a film of moisture or condensation
  13. In mammals, the inhaled oxygen-rich air travels down the __________ before filling the lungs. Answer- trachea
  14. Insects have a network of air tubes called __________ that allow oxygen to reach every cell. Answer- tracheae
  15. Annelids like earthworms breathe through their __________. Answer- skin
  16. Amphibians like frogs can respire through their lungs and __________. Answer- skin
  17. The gills in fish are richly supplied with __________ vessels, facilitating efficient gas exchange. Answer- blood
  18. Roots absorb oxygen present in the tiny air spaces found between __________ particles. Answer- soil
  19. In the absence of oxygen, plants undergo __________ respiration. Answer- anaerobic
  20. Overwatering may fill the __________ spaces in the soil, depriving roots of necessary oxygen. Answer- air
  21. Microscopic openings or pores on plant leaves are called __________. Answer- stomata
  22. Yeasts are part of the __________ family. Answer- fungus
  23. During heavy exercise, the breathing rate can surge up to __________ times per minute. Answer- 25
  24. Deeper breaths allow for a larger volume of __________ to be inhaled and utilised by the muscles during exercise. Answer- air
  25. The breathing rate at rest is sufficient to maintain the necessary __________ and carbon dioxide levels in the body. Answer- oxygen
  26. In the absence of oxygen, yeasts break down glucose to primarily produce __________. Answer- alcohol (ethanol)
  27. Smoking is associated with the deterioration of the __________. Answer- lungs
  28. The practice of pranayama aids in enhancing __________ capacity. Answer- lung

__________ is a reflex that helps in expelling foreign particles from the respiratory system. Answer- Sneezing

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