Describe the Structure and Functioning of Nephrons

Nephron is a long coiled tubule whose one end is connected to the double walled cup-shaped structure called Bowman’s capsule and the other end to a urine collecting duct.
Structure and Functioning of Nephron Described with diagram

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Plasma membrane is made up of which two Components?
What are the Differences between the Transport of Materials in Xylem and Phloem- class 10

What are the Differences between the Transport of Materials in Xylem and Phloem?

The transport of materials in xylem and phloem is essential for the growth and survival of plants. While both systems move substances throughout the plant, they operate differently. Xylem primarily transports water and minerals through a passive process driven by transpiration while phloem transports sugars and other organic compounds through an active process called translocation.Understanding the differences between the two is crucial for plant growth and development.

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Components of Transport System in Highly Organised Plants class 10

What are the Components of Transport System in Highly Organised Plants

Transportation in plants is the process in which substances absorbed or synthesised in one part of the plant are moved to other parts of the plant. The transport system in highly organised plants consists of four major components – Xylem, Phloem, Root System and Stomata.

What are the Components of Transport System in Highly Organised Plants Read More

Transportation in Animals -Class 10 Notes

Transportation is the life process in which a substance (Made or absorbed) in one part of the body of an organism is carried to other parts of its body.
Transportation in Amphibians and Reptiles
Transportation in Bird And Mammals 
Transportation in Fishes

Transportation in Animals -Class 10 Notes Read More
Components of Transport System in Human Beings
Process of Blood Clotting by platelets

9 Important Function of the Platelets

9 Important Function of the Platelets in the blood –
blood clotting process , Healing and Repair of damaged blood vessels, Growth factor production, Inflammation, Anticoagulation, Blood pressure regulation, Blood flow regulation, Antibacterial , Tumor suppression

9 Important Function of the Platelets Read More

What is Root Pressure ?

Root Pressure is a hydrostatic force generated in the roots that helps drive fluids and other ions up into the plant’s vascular tissue. It is created through osmotic pressure in the stem cells and occurs more frequently in the spring. Root Pressure contributes to water and mineral nutrient transport, helps maintain water balance, facilitates nutrient uptake and can help plants survive during drought. However, it is not sufficient for sap to rise in tall trees.

What is Root Pressure ? Read More