10 Difference between Mitochondria and Plastids

Mitochondria and Plastids

Mitochondria and plastids are the Organelles which are found in Eukaryotic Cells. Mitochondria are known as the “POWERHOUSE” of the cell, as they generate the majority of the cell’s energy through the process of Cellular Respiration. Plastids, on the other hand, are involved in various functions such as the storage of food and pigments, and the synthesis of compounds like  pigments, amino acids, lipids, and starch. Both Plastid and Mitochondria have their own genetic material .

Difference between Mitochondria and Plastids

LocationMitochondria is found in all eukaryotic cells.Plastids are found only in plant cells.
FunctionMitochondria produces ATP.Plastids produce glucose and store it as starch.
SizeSmaller in size.Comparatively larger in size.
PigmentsIn mitochondria, pigments are present.In plastids, pigments are absent.
Major roleCell respiration.Photosynthesis.
Animal & Plant cell presenceFound in both animal and plant cells.Found only in plant cells and algae.
Glucose ProductionGlucose is produced.Glucose is not produced.
ColorColor of mitochondria does not vary.Color of plastids varies due to the presence of pigments.
Heat productionMitochondria produces heat while playing a role in thermogenesis.Plastids do not play any role in thermogenesis.
Presence of FoldsIn inner mitochondrial membranes, folds are found which are referred to as Cristae.No folds are found in the inner membranes of Plastids.
Difference between Mitochondria and Plastids

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