Blood is the red color connective tissue fluid which circulates in our body.
9 Important Functions of Blood are as follows
- Blood carries oxygen from the lungs to different parts of the body and carries back carbon dioxide from the body cells to the lungs for respiration.
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2. It helps in transport of nutrients to all parts of the body for storage oxidation and synthesis of new substances.

3. Blood is involved in the transport of excretory Products like Urea, uric acid and ammonia.
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4. The plasma in Blood carries hormones from Their place of synthesis to the target organs.
5. Blood acts as a buffer system in our body. It helps in regulation of body temperature and ph.
6. Blood protects us against diseases by engulfing the disease causing microbes by phagocytosis.
7. Platelets present in the blood form a clot at the sight of injury to prevent further loss of blood.
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8. Blood maintains proper water balance in the body to a required constant level.
9. Nutrients absorbed in the small intestine enter the blood capillaries. Blood carries these nutrients and distributes them to all parts of the body.
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