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Structure of Nephron Diagram
Important parts of Nephron with their Structure and Functions are as follows
Bowman’s Capsule
- Bowman’s capsule refers to a membranous, double- walled capsule, which surrounds a glomerulus of the nephron.
- It is a cup-like structure Consists of two epithelial cell layers.
- Bowman’s Capsule receives the filtrate of the glomerulus .
- It does not contain blood cells and platelets.
- Glomerulus refers to a cluster of small blood capillaries in the nephron, which filtersblood plasma.
- It is a cluster of blood capillaries consists of a single epithelial layer, which is surrounded by podocytes and mesangial cells.
- Glomerulus filters the blood plasma Contains blood cells and platelets.
Also Check – Structure of Nephron
Proximal convoluted tubule
- The proximal convoluted tubule (PCT) is the nephron site where most reabsorption of “Goodies” takes place.
- Obligatory water reabsorption takes place in the PCT and nephron loop [Loop of Henle].
- Since Na- is reabsorbed in the PCT, water follows it via osmosis to balance the changing osmotic gradient.
- Some wastes are excreted here into the nephron (eventually eliminated in urine).
- It Reabsorbs ions, water, and nutrients; removes toxins and adjusts filtrate pH.
Loop of Henle
- Found in 1/3 of all nephrons in kidney .
- It begins in Cortex of Kidney and Dips into Medulla of Kidney.
- It create a very high concentration of Na+ and Cl- ions in tissue fluid of medulla, enabling water. to be reabsorbed from fluid in collecting duct as it flows through medulla.
- It Enables concentrated urine production.
- It ensures water is conserved in body and not released in urine.
- It prevents dehydration
Also Check – Function of Nephron
There are two Parts of Loop of Henle
- Descending loop of Henle
- Ascending loop of Henle
Descending loop of Henle
- In the descending loop of henle the water potential of the fluid is decreased by the addition of mineral ions and the removal of water.
- Allow water to pass from the filtrate into the interstitial fluid .
Ascending loop of Henle
- In the ascending loop of Henle the water potential is increased as mineral ions are removed by active transport.
- Ascending loop of Henle is impermeable to water.
Distal convoluted tubule
- Selectively secretes and absorbs different ions to maintain blood pH and electrolyte balance.
Collecting duct
- Reabsorbs solutes and water from the filtrate.
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