Class 4 Maths – Chapter 2 – Long and Short Worksheets with Answer Key

Find interactive and exam-focused worksheets for Chapter 2, “Long and Short,” in the Class 4 Maths curriculum. These resources are designed to help students better understand and practise key concepts in measurement.

Class 4 – Chapter 2 – Long and Short –Syllabus-Concepts 

The Chapter “Long and Short” in your Class 4 textbook covers several concepts related to understanding and measuring distances and lengths. Here is a summary of the key concepts-

  • Estimating and Measuring Distances- The chapter begins by encouraging students to estimate distances between points and then measure them using a scale. This activity helps develop their ability to estimate and understand measurements.
  • Comparative Lengths- Through the story of Akbar and Birbal, the chapter illustrates the concept of making something ‘shorter’ or ‘longer’ without altering its original length, highlighting comparative lengths and perspective.
  • Drawing and Measuring- Students are prompted to draw objects of specific lengths, teaching them to create and measure lengths accurately.
  • Growth and Height Measurement- The chapter revisits the concept of measuring height, encouraging students to compare their current height with previous measurements and understand growth over time.
  • Family Heights- Students are asked to measure and compare the heights of family members, understanding the concept of tallest and shortest within a group.
  • Sports and Distances- The chapter introduces measuring distances in sports contexts, like races and long jumps, to familiarise students with different units of measurement.
  • Real-World Distance Applications- There are activities related to estimating distances in real-world scenarios, such as the distance between two places, the height of buildings, and the length of journeys.
  • Creative Imagining and Estimation- The chapter concludes with creative activities that involve imagining and estimating heights and distances in different contexts, like the height of a kite, a bird, clouds, and a plane.

How to Teach Chapter Long and Short  to Class 4 students 

Teaching the chapter “Long and Short” to Class 4 students in a unique and interactive manner can greatly enhance their understanding and engagement. Here are some innovative teaching strategies-

  • Outdoor Measurement Adventure- Take the students outside the classroom to measure various objects. This could include the length of the playground, the height of a tree, or the distance between two points. Use different measuring tools like a tape measure, a ruler, or even a piece of string.
  • Estimation Games- Start with a fun game where students estimate the length of an object before measuring it. This could be anything from a pencil to the classroom door. After everyone makes their guesses, measure the object to see who was closest.
  • Height Growth Chart- Create a growth chart in the classroom where students can measure and record their heights at the start and end of the school year. This will help them understand growth over time.
  • Family Height Project- Assign a homework project where students measure the heights of their family members and then create a bar graph to represent the data. This can be shared in class, allowing students to compare and discuss their findings.
  • Sports Day with Measurement- Organise a mini sports day where events like long jump, races, or throwing activities are included. Students can measure and record the distances, applying their knowledge in a fun and competitive environment.
  • Building with Blocks- Use building blocks or LEGO to explore concepts of length and height. Challenge students to build the tallest tower they can, or to replicate a structure with specific dimensions.
  • Field Trip- Plan a field trip to a local park or city landmark. Have students estimate and then measure certain distances, like the length of a bridge or the height of a monument.
  • Interactive Storytelling– Use the story of Akbar and Birbal from the chapter to create a role-play activity. Students can act out the story and discuss the concept of perspective in length.
  • Creative Art Integration- Incorporate art by having students draw or craft objects with specific lengths. For instance, draw a snake that is exactly 2 metres long, or make a paper chain that measures 1 metre.
  • Technology Integration- Utilise educational apps or online tools that allow students to engage with measurement in an interactive way. This could include virtual rulers, measurement games, or simulation activities.

Remember, the key to making learning effective and enjoyable is to keep it hands-on, relatable, and engaging. By incorporating these activities, students are likely to develop a deeper understanding of the concepts of measurement in a fun and memorable way.

Worksheet Class 4 Maths- Chapter 2 – Long and Short – Exam practice Worksheet 1

Worksheet Class 4 Maths- Chapter 2 – Long and Short – Exam practice Worksheet 2

Worksheet Class 4 Maths- Chapter 2 – Long and Short – Exam practice Worksheet 3

Worksheet Class 4 Maths- Chapter 2 – Long and Short – Exam practice Worksheet 4

Worksheet Class 4 Maths- Chapter 2 – Long and Short – Exam practice Worksheet 5

Worksheet Class 4 Maths- Chapter 2 – Long and Short – Interactive Worksheet 1

Worksheet Class 4 Maths- Chapter 2 – Long and Short – Interactive Worksheet 2

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