- Digestion is the process by which complex food components are broken down into ________ substances for absorption. Answer: simpler
- Bees and hummingbirds feed on ________ from plants to obtain sugars and energy. Answer: nectar
- Animals cannot perform photosynthesis, so they must acquire their food from ________ sources. Answer: external
- The primary function of the large intestine is to absorb ________ and some salts from undigested food, forming faeces. Answer: water
- The digestive journey begins in the ________, where mechanical digestion starts. Answer: mouth
- Villi in the small intestine increase the surface area for efficient ________ of digested nutrients into the bloodstream. Answer: absorption
- Incisors are designed for ________ and biting food, especially useful for slicing through items like fruits and vegetables. Answer: cutting
- Premolars have a flat surface with multiple cusps and are responsible for grinding and crushing food, especially foods that require more ________. Answer: chewing
- Mechanical digestion in the mouth increases the surface area for enzymatic action, making it easier for ________ in the digestive system to access and digest nutrients. Answer: enzymes
- Saliva contains enzymes like ________, which initiate the breakdown of complex carbohydrates into simpler sugars. Answer: amylase
- The tongue contains specialised sensory cells called taste buds that detect different tastes in food, including sweet, salty, sour, and ________. Answer: bitter
- The transition from milk teeth to permanent teeth is a crucial milestone in ________ development. Answer: dental
- Food is propelled down the oesophagus through coordinated muscle contractions called _______________. Answer: Peristalsis
- Vomiting is a natural reflex that helps remove potentially harmful or indigestible materials from the _______________. Answer: Stomach
- The stomach has a unique shape resembling a flattened _______________. Answer: J
- The inner lining of the stomach secretes mucus to protect it from the corrosive effects of stomach acid and _______________. Answer: Digestive enzymes
- The stomach produces hydrochloric acid to create an acidic environment that helps kill harmful _______________ and activates digestive enzymes. Answer: Bacteria or pathogens
- The primary function of the stomach is to initiate the digestion of _______________ present in the food. Answer: Proteins
- The small intestine has a coiled structure and is approximately __________ metres long in humans. Answer: 7.5
- The liver produces __________, which is stored in the gallbladder. Answer: bile
- Carbohydrates are broken down into simple sugars like __________ in the small intestine. Answer: glucose
- Villi increases the surface area for efficient __________ of digested food components. Answer: absorption
- Absorbed substances, including glucose and amino acids, are transported through the __________ to various organs in the body. Answer: bloodstream
- The primary function of the large intestine is to absorb __________ and some salts from undigested food material. Answer: water
- Grass-eating animals, like cows and buffaloes, continuously chew due to their specialised __________ process. Answer: digestive
- During __________, ruminant animals regurgitate and chew cud to break down complex cellulose in grass. Answer: rumination
- The presence of specialised bacteria in the rumen of ruminants aids in the breakdown of __________ into simpler, more digestible forms. Answer: cellulose
- Amoeba captures food by extending __________ around the food particle. Answer: pseudopodia
- Starfish primarily feed on animals with hard shells and use their tube feet and arms to grasp and open the prey’s __________. Answer: shell
- After the digestion process is complete, the starfish retracts its __________ back into its body. Answer: stomach
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Also Check – Chapter 2 – NUTRITION IN ANIMALS -Class 7 – Complete Notes
Also check – Chapter 2- Nutrition in Animals Class 7 Worksheet – Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs)
Also Check – Chapter 2- NUTRITION IN ANIMALS -Class 7 Question and Answer (Long)
Also Check – Chapter 2- NUTRITION IN ANIMALS -Class 7 Question and Answer (Short)
Well, I think you should write the answers and questions separately, as my kid is not able to do the worksheets due to this reason.
Thank you for your feedback! I understand your concern and will work on separating the questions and answers in future worksheets to make them more kid-friendly.