what is the Composition of the Lymph

Composition of the Lymph

Lymph is a colorless fluid that flows through the lymphatic system, playing a critical role in our body’s defense against infections and diseases while maintaining fluid balance. Its composition consists of fluid, cellular and nutrient components, with water, electrolytes, proteins, glucose, amino acids, and waste products being major constituents. The cellular composition includes lymphocytes, macrophages, natural killer cells, dendritic cells, and plasma cells, all of which contribute to the immune response.

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Difference between Rough and Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum

10 Difference between Mitochondria and Plastids

Difference between Mitochondria and Plastids explained Location with 10 diffrent factors like
Major role
Animal & Plant cell presence
Glucose Production
Heat production
Presence of Folds

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