Why can more complex organisms not give rise to new individuals through regeneration ?

Complex organisms cannot give rise to new individuals through regeneration because complex organisms have a high degree of organization. A complex body organization exists in them, as cells form tissue, …

Why can more complex organisms not give rise to new individuals through regeneration ? Read More
multiple fission explained in details with examples , how it occurs

Multiple Fission – Definition, How does it occur ,Examples

Multiple fission is a form of asexual reproduction observed in some unicellular organisms like Plasmodium, algae and some protozoans. This process involves the repeated division of the nucleus of a single parent cell, producing numerous identical daughter cells.Each daughter cell is encased in its own membrane. Multiple fission is a rapid process occurring during unfavourable conditions, increasing chances of survival and reproduction of organisms.

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What is Binary Fission

Binary Fission

Binary fission is a type of Asexual Reproduction in which a single organism divides into two equal parts, each carrying one copy of the Genetic Material. This process is commonly found in single-celled organisms such as bacteria, archaea and some protozoa. Binary fission allows these organisms to reproduce quickly and efficiently without the need for a mate or Sexual Reproduction.

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what is heterotrophic nutrition,heterotrophic nutrition types heterotrophic nutrition examples

Heterotrophic Nutrition – Definition ,Types and Examples – Class 10

Heterotrophic nutrition refers to the mode of nutrition in which organisms rely on other organisms for food. It can be classified into three main types – holozoic nutrition, saprotrophic nutrition, and parasitic nutrition. Holozoic nutrition involves the ingestion, digestion and absorption of complex organic material. The saprotrophic nutrition obtains its nutrients from decaying organic material, while parasites obtain their food nutrition from living hosts.

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