Paramecium Diagram for Class 8

Paramecium is a genus of unicellular organisms that belong to the phylum Ciliophora. They are usually found in freshwater environments and are characterised by their oval shape and the presence of cilia, which they use for locomotion and feeding. Paramecium can reproduce asexually by binary fission, in which the cell divides into two identical daughter cells. Paramecium can also undergo sexual reproduction by conjugation

Paramecium Diagram

paramecium Diagram
Paramecium Diagram – With Labels

Paramecium Diagram – Labels Explained 

  • Food vacuole- Food vacuoles are small membrane-bound organelles that contain food particles, such as bacteria or other small organisms, that Paramecium has ingested. They are responsible for the digestion of food particles that have been taken up by the cell. In Paramecium, food vacuoles are formed at the base of the oral groove and move to the back of the cell as they are digested.
  • Macronucleus-The macronucleus is the larger of the two nuclei present in Paramecium. It is elongated organelle that is found in Paramecium and other ciliates. It is responsible for the regulation of gene expression and cell division. In Paramecium, the macronucleus is polyploid meaning it contains multiple copies of each chromosome.
  • Micronucleus- The micronucleus is a smaller of the two nuclei in Paramecium . It is spherical organelle that is found in Paramecium and other ciliates. It is responsible for the exchange of genetic material during sexual reproduction. In Paramecium the micronucleus is diploid that means it contains two copies of each chromosome.
  • Cilia- Cilia are hair-like projections that cover the entire surface of Paramecium and are used for locomotion. Cilia are used for locomotion and feeding, as well as for sensing the environment. In Paramecium the cilia are arranged in rows and beat in a coordinated fashion to propel the cell through the water.
  • Contractile vacuole- The contractile vacuole is a specialised organelle that is found in Paramecium and other freshwater organisms.The contractile vacuole is an organelle that collects excess water and waste materials from the cytoplasm and then expels them from the cell. It is responsible for regulating the water balance of the cell by pumping out excess water. In Paramecium the contractile vacuole is located near the posterior end of the cell and contracts rhythmically to expel water.
  • Oral groove- The oral groove is a funnel-shaped structure that is found on the surface of Paramecium.It is a depression in the Paramecium’s cell membrane that runs from the anterior end to the posterior end. It is lined with cilia and is used for feeding by capturing and engulfing food particles. In Paramecium the oral groove leads to the cytostome which is the opening to the cell’s digestive system.
  • Cytoplasm- The cytoplasm is the gel-like substance that fills the Paramecium cell and contains various organelles like the nucleus, mitochondria, and ribosomes. It  is the site of most cellular processes, such as metabolism and protein synthesis.

Also Check – Nutrition in Paramecium 

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