Conduction, Convection, and Radiation- Class 7 Science Explained

Conduction, Convection, and Radiation- Class 7 Science Explained


What is Conduction?

Conduction is one of the primary methods by which heat is transferred from one object to another. It mainly occurs in solids because the particles in solids are tightly packed and can efficiently pass heat energy between them.

How Conduction Works?

 conduction class 7
  • When you heat one end of a solid object, like a metal rod or a spoon, the particles in that end gain energy and vibrate more vigorously.
  • These energetic particles then collide with neighboring particles, passing some of their energy to them.
  • This process continues from particle to particle, gradually transferring heat throughout the entire object.
  • As a result, the end you heated becomes warm, and you can feel the heat when you touch it. in a new tab)

Example of Conduction

  • If you touch a metal spoon placed in a hot beverage, the heat from the spoon is conducted to your hand, making it feel warm.
  • Walking barefoot on hot sand at the beach, your feet feel the warmth of the sand through conduction.

Key Points about Conduction

  • Conduction is most effective in solids.
  • It requires direct contact between objects at different temperatures.
  • Heat energy is transferred from the hotter object to the cooler one through particle collisions.


What is Convection?

Convection is a method of heat transfer that primarily occurs in fluids, including liquids (like water) and gases (like air). It involves the movement of the fluid itself to distribute heat.

How Convection Works?

Conduction, Convection, and Radiation- Class 7 Science Explained
  • When a fluid, such as water, is heated, the heated portion becomes less dense and rises.
  • Cooler, denser fluid then flows in to take its place.
  • This creates a continuous circulation or flow of the fluid, with hot fluid rising and cold fluid sinking.
  • Through this process, heat is evenly distributed within the fluid.

Example of Convection

  • Boiling water in a pot is a classic example. The hot water near the bottom rises, and the cooler water near the top sinks, creating a circular flow pattern.

Also Check – Sea Breezes and Land Breezes – Class 7 Science explained

Key Points about Convection

  • Convection primarily occurs in fluids.
  • It involves the movement of the fluid itself due to temperature differences.
  • Warm fluids rise, while cooler fluids sink, creating a cycle that transfers heat.


Conduction, Convection, and Radiation- Class 7 Science Explained

What is Radiation?

Radiation is a method of heat transfer that doesn’t require a medium (like air or water) for heat to travel through. It relies on electromagnetic waves, such as light and infrared radiation, to transmit heat energy.

How Radiation Works?

  • Heat is emitted from a hot object in the form of electromagnetic waves.
  • These waves, including infrared radiation, travel through empty space and can even pass through a vacuum.
  • When these waves encounter another object, they can be absorbed, reflected, or transmitted.

Example of Radiation-

  • Sunlight reaching the Earth is a classic example of radiation. The Sun emits heat energy in the form of light and other electromagnetic waves, which travel through space to warm our planet.

Key Points about Radiation-

  • Radiation doesn’t require a medium; it can travel through a vacuum.
  • It involves the transfer of heat as electromagnetic waves (e.g., light and infrared).
  • Radiation can travel through space and is responsible for warming the Earth from the Sun.

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