Class 7 – Science- Chapter 11-Transportation in Animals and Plants question answer (Short Question Answer)

Chapter 11-Transportation in Animals and Plants-Short Questions and Answers(Solved Worksheet)

Question-What is the main purpose of transportation in organisms?

Answer- The main purpose of transportation in organisms is to distribute essential substances like food, water, and oxygen to various parts of their bodies and to remove waste products generated in the body to parts where they can be expelled.

Question- What are the major components of the circulatory system, and what is its function?

Answer-  The major components of the circulatory system are the heart and blood vessels. The circulatory system facilitates the transport of essential substances like oxygen and nutrients to various parts of the body and helps in the removal of waste products.

Question- What are the different types of cells found in blood, and what are their functions?

Answer- Blood consists of Red Blood Cells (RBCs) that carry oxygen, White Blood Cells (WBCs) that fight against germs, and platelets that assist in the clotting of blood, preventing excessive bleeding from injuries.

Question- What is the role of haemoglobin in red blood cells?

Answer-  Haemoglobin, found in red blood cells, binds with oxygen and helps in transporting it to all parts of the body, ensuring that all cells receive the necessary oxygen for their metabolic activities.

Question- What is the primary function of arteries in the circulatory system?

Answer- The primary function of arteries in the circulatory system is to carry oxygen-loaded blood from the heart to all the tissues and organs in the body. They are the high-pressure oxygen carriers designed to handle the high pressure of blood that the heart pumps directly into them.

Question- How are veins structured to adapt to their function in the circulatory system?

Answer-  Veins are constructed with thinner walls compared to arteries and contain one-way valves that prevent the backward flow of blood. This structure helps veins carry carbon dioxide-rich blood, filled with waste materials, back to the heart and lungs for purification, adapting to the lower pressure of the returning blood.

Question- What exceptional role does the pulmonary artery play in the circulatory system?

Answer-  The pulmonary artery is exceptional because, unlike other arteries, it carries oxygen-poor, carbon dioxide-rich blood from the heart to the lungs for a vital exchange of gases, playing a crucial role in the respiratory cycle of the circulatory system.

Question- Why are capillaries considered the ultimate exchange points in the circulatory system?

Answer- Capillaries are considered the ultimate exchange points because they are embedded in body tissues, enabling the intimate and efficient exchange of oxygen, nutrients, and waste materials between the blood and body cells, due to their thin walls and extensive network across the body’s tissues.

Question- What is the role of the valves within the heart in the circulatory system?

Answer-Valves within the heart play a critical role in ensuring a one-way flow of blood. They prevent the backflow of blood, maintaining a unidirectional flow, which is essential for the effective transportation of blood throughout the body.

Question- How does the sequential functioning of the heart contribute to the efficiency of the circulatory system?

Answer-The sequential functioning of the heart, involving the atria and ventricles working in a well-coordinated sequence, guarantees that each part of the body receives oxygenated blood necessary for cellular activities, and deoxygenated blood is timely sent for oxygenation, contributing to the overall efficiency of the circulatory system.

Question- Describe the role of a stethoscope in the assessment of heart conditions.

Answer-A stethoscope is used by doctors to listen to the heart’s beats, allowing for a detailed auditory analysis. Variations in the heartbeat’s rhythm, strength, or consistency observed through a stethoscope can be indicative of different heart conditions, enabling accurate diagnostics and effective treatments.

Question- What significance does a heartbeat hold in the biological realm?

Answer- A heartbeat is a vital sign of life, characterised by the rhythmic contraction and relaxation of the heart muscles. It ensures the continual flow of blood, thus oxygen and nutrients, throughout the body, symbolising the continuous cycle of life in the biological realm.

Question – What is the main waste product excreted by humans and which organ plays a vital role in this process?

Answer- The main waste product excreted by humans is urea, and the kidney plays a vital role in this process.

Question – How have aquatic animals like fish adapted their excretion process according to their environment?

Answer- Fish excrete cellular waste directly as ammonia because they live in a water-rich environment, allowing ammonia to dissolve directly in the water.

Question – In what form do birds and certain reptiles excrete waste, and why is this adaptation significant?

Answer- Birds and certain reptiles excrete waste in the form of a semi-solid, white-coloured compound known as uric acid. This adaptation is significant as it allows these animals to conserve water in a land environment.

Question – How does the excretory system relate to the respiratory and digestive systems in terms of waste management?

Answer- The excretory system complements the respiratory system by handling wastes not expelled as carbon dioxide, and it works alongside the digestive system by managing soluble metabolic wastes, while the digestive system handles undigested food elimination.

Question – What is the primary role of kidneys in the human excretory system?

Answer-The primary role of kidneys is to filter the blood and produce urine, separating harmful waste products from useful substances.

Question – What is the composition of urine?

Answer-Urine is composed of approximately 95% water, 2.5% urea, and 2.5% various waste residues.

Question – What is the purpose of dialysis in the human excretory system?

Answer- Dialysis is used to filter the blood by removing waste products when a person’s kidneys fail due to infections or injuries.

Question – What role does sweat play in excretion and thermoregulation?

Answer- Sweat helps in excretion by removing salts and helps in thermoregulation by cooling the body through evaporation.

Question – Where does the process of photosynthesis primarily take place in plants?

Answer-Photosynthesis primarily takes place in the chloroplasts of green plant cells, mainly in the leaves.

Question – What two essential ingredients are required for photosynthesis, and where do plants obtain them?

Answer- Water and carbon dioxide are essential for photosynthesis. Water is absorbed from the soil by the roots, and carbon dioxide is obtained from the air.

Question – What roles do the vascular tissues xylem and phloem play in plants?

Answer- Xylem transports water and minerals from the roots to various parts of the plant, while phloem distributes the synthesised food from the leaves to all parts of the plant.

Question – How do roots and root hairs contribute to the absorption of water and minerals?

Answer-Roots and root hairs increase the surface area for absorption, allowing the plant to take up water and minerals efficiently from the soil.

Question – What is transpiration?

Answer- Transpiration is the process by which plants lose water in the form of water vapour from the surface of their leaves.

Question – What role do the stomata play in transpiration?

Answer- Stomata act as gateways for water vapour to exit the plant, playing a crucial role in the evaporation of excess water during transpiration.

Question – How does transpiration aid in temperature regulation of plants?

Answer- Transpiration aids in temperature regulation by allowing excess water to evaporate, preventing overheating and maintaining the plant’s optimal temperature for various metabolic activities.

Question – How does transpiration influence the transport of water within a plant?

Answer-Transpiration generates a suction force that enables the plant to draw water from the roots upwards, assisting in its transport throughout the plant, even against gravity.

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