multiple fission explained in details with examples , how it occurs

Multiple Fission – Definition, How does it occur ,Examples

Multiple fission is a form of asexual reproduction observed in some unicellular organisms like Plasmodium, algae and some protozoans. This process involves the repeated division of the nucleus of a single parent cell, producing numerous identical daughter cells.Each daughter cell is encased in its own membrane. Multiple fission is a rapid process occurring during unfavourable conditions, increasing chances of survival and reproduction of organisms.

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What is Binary Fission

Binary Fission

Binary fission is a type of Asexual Reproduction in which a single organism divides into two equal parts, each carrying one copy of the Genetic Material. This process is commonly found in single-celled organisms such as bacteria, archaea and some protozoa. Binary fission allows these organisms to reproduce quickly and efficiently without the need for a mate or Sexual Reproduction.

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What is Photosynthesis? Explain the Process of Photosynthesis

What is Photosynthesis? Explain the Process of Photosynthesis

Photosynthesis is the process by which green plants, algae and some bacteria convert light energy into chemical energy in the form of organic compounds such as glucose. This process occurs in chloroplasts where chlorophyll absorbs light energy and converts it into chemical energy. Raw materials required for photosynthesis include carbon dioxide and water, which are converted into glucose and oxygen through a series of chemical reactions. The process of photosynthesis is divided into three phases: Absorption, Conversion and Reduction.

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nutrition in paramecium class 10

Nutrition in Paramecium – Class 10

Paramecium, a tiny unicellular animal, feeds on microorganisms through holozoic nutrition. It has cilia to engulf food through the oral groove. The five steps are ingestion, digestion, absorption, assimilation and egestion. Paramecium can regulate food intake and selectively choose its food. It is a model organism for the study of nutrition in unicellular organisms.

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What are the components of the transport system in Human Beings? What are the functions of these components?

What are the components of the Transport system in Human Beings? What are the functions of these components?

The components of Human Transport System comprises the heart, blood, Blood Vessels, and the lymphatic system. The Heart circulates blood throughout the body.The blood carries oxygen, carbon dioxide, nutrients, hormones and wastes. Blood Vessels are the network of tubes that carry blood.Arteries carry oxygenated blood, capillaries that facilitate material exchange and Veins return deoxygenated blood to the Heart. The lymphatic system transports lymphocytes and defends the body against pathogens, absorbs lipids and eliminates waste.

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What is the Function of the Digestive Enzymes ?

What is the Function of the Digestive Enzymes ?

Digestive enzymes, such as salivary amylase and lipase, play an important role in the breakdown of carbohydrates, proteins, fats and nucleic acids. They are secreted at various points in the digestive system, including the mouth, stomach and small intestine. These enzymes facilitate the digestion of complex food molecules into simpler forms that can be absorbed by the body. Without digestive enzymes, nutrient absorption would be compromised

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Lysosomes - Definition ,4 important Functions , Location and Importance of Lysosomes

Lysosomes – Class 9th Definition , Functions , Location and Importance of Lysosomes

What are lysosomes?,Where are Lysosomes located?,4 Important Functions of Lysosomes,What would happen to the cell without lysosomes or  Why lysosome are important?What prevents lysosome from digesting themselves ?Why are lysosomes known as suicidal bags ?

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