Male Reproductive System Diagram

Male Reproductive System Class 10

Components of Human Male Reproductive System  1.Testes  Seminiferous tubules produce sperms . Interstitial cells produce testosterone  2. Ducts  Epididymis Vas Deferens Ejaculatory Duct  3. Accessory Glands Seminal Vesicle Prostate Gland  …

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Human Heart Class 10

The Human Heart is a vital organ that pumps blood throughout the body. Its location is in the chest, between the lungs and it is divided into four chambers. The heart’s structure includes valves that ensure blood flows in one direction. The working mechanism of the heart is controlled by electrical signals that travel through specialised cells. A diagram of the heart can help understand its function and anatomy.

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10 Important Functions of Blood

10 Important Functions of Blood – Class 10

10 Important functions of Explained with Images -Blood plays a crucial role in maintaining the proper functioning of the Human body. Its various components work together to transport Nutrients, remove waste, regulate pH and temperature, protect against diseases, transport hormones, form clots, maintain water balance, transport Nutrients from the small intestine and maintain Blood pressure.

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