Write Short note on Small Intestine
The Small Intestine is an important part of the digestive system and serves as part of the gastrointestinal tract. It acts as a pathway for food to travel through the body after the stomach and connects with the large intestine. Its main functions include breaking down food, absorbing nutrients and eliminating waste.
Structure of Small Intestine
The small intestine consists of three parts – Duodenum,Jejunum and Ileum
- Duodenum – The first section, which is about 10 inches long, receives food from the stomach. It winds around the pancreas and connects to the rest of the intestine. Digestive juices from the liver, gallbladder and pancreas help break down the food.
- Jejunum – This middle section, characterised by numerous blood vessels, makes up slightly less than half of the remaining length. Here, the food continues to be broken down chemically and mechanically by muscle contractions while nutrient absorption begins.
- Ileum – The longest section, the ileum, has thinner walls and reduced blood supply. It absorbs most of the water and nutrients. Peristalsis gradually moves the food remains into the large intestine.
Functions of Small Intestine
- Systematic Breakdown – The small intestine breaks down food by chemical and mechanical processes, assisted by digestive juices from other organs.
- Absorption of Nutrients – The mucosa with its folds and projections, provides a large surface area for efficient absorption of nutrients, including carbohydrates and proteins.
- Water removal – The small intestine absorbs water to ensure adequate fluid balance.
- Movement – The Peristalsis and contractions of the segments move food through the gastrointestinal tract, ensuring digestion and elimination of waste.
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