Give an account of the northern plains of India?

Northern Plains are formed by three rivers
- Indus
- Ganga
- Brahmaputra
Rivers of northern plains
These planes were formed when a depression created by the upliftment of the Himalayan mountains gradually got filled by deposition of sediments brought down by this three rivers.
The main features of Northern Plains are as follows
- Disperse over and area of 7 lakh square kilometers. The plains are about 2400 km long and about 240 kilometer broad.
- This Plains are composed of Alluvial soil which is very fertile. This soil is renewed every year with sediments brought by this three rivers which makes it highly fertile.
- These Planes are agriculturally very productive due to fertile soil cover, adequate water supply, favorable climate and terrain. And that is the reason why it is densely populated.
Northern Plains are broadly divided into three sections
- Punjab plain
- Ganga plain
- Brahmaputra plain
Punjab plain– The western part of Northern plain is called Punjab plain. It is formed by Indus and its tributaries ( Jhelum, Ravi, Sutlej, Beas, Chenab)
Ganga plain– it is the middle part of the plain. It extends from ghagar river in Haryana to the Teesta river in West Bengal., Express over the states of Haryana, Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and West Bengal.
Brahmaputra plain– It is the Eastern part of the plain lying in Assam and Arunachal Pradesh. It lies to the east of the Ganga plains .