Parts of a Flower
Parts of the Flower with their Description and Functions are as follows
Calyx (Sepals)
- Usually there are five sepals. Sometimes they may be less or in a few cases even more.
- When the flower opens, the sepals may fall off or persist.
- Sepals are usually green but in some cases they are brightly coloured (called petaloid sepals). Example Gulmohar
- The sepals protect the young flower bud and when green they also perform photosynthesis.
Corolla (Petals)
- The petals are generally arranged in a single whorl but sometimes there may be a double whorl (e.g. Poppy) or they may be arranged spirally (e.g. Water lily).
- The colorful and fragrant petals attract insects for pollination. They also protect stamens and pistils especially when the petals form a tube.
Also Check – Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants
Stamens (Androecium)

- Stamens are the male parts of the flower. Each stamen consists of a filament and an Anther.
- The number of stamens in different flowers may vary from a few to a large number.
- Each stamen consists of: a long filament and an anther attached to its extremity.
- The Anther is usually two lobed. Each lobe has two pollen sacs.
- Within the pollen sacs are contained pollen grains.
- When fully matured, the pollen sacs rupture to liberate pollen grains.
- The pollen grains are generally powdery particles of different shapes and sizes .
Pollen is a powdery substance made in anthers.
Also Check- What is Pollination
Carpels (Gynoecium)

Gynoecium is also known as pistil. It is composed of one or more carpels. Each carpel consists of three parts-stigma, style and ovary.
- The stigma has a sticky surface to capture pollen grains.
- Stigma is the terminal knob-like part, it may be divided into two or more lobes
- It has a feathery appearance.
- The stigma is covered with hair or with glandular papillae.
- It serves as the landing place for pollen during pollination.
Also Check – What is Fertilization
- Style is the tubular slender stalk which connects the stigma to the ovary.
- The ovary contains ovules, which develop into seeds.
- Ovary is the swollen basal portion composed of one or many carpels fused together.
- The inner cavity of the ovary may be a single chamber or divided into several chambers (locules) each containing a number of rounded bodies, the ovules.
- Placenta attaches the ovules to the wall of the ovary.
Many flowers produce nectar at the base of the petals. This sugary liquid attracts pollinators.
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