Female Reproductive System – Class 10

The Female Reproductive System  consists of the following Reproductive Organs.

1. A Pair of Ovaries

2. A Pair of Oviducts (or Fallopian Tubes) to convey the egg released from the ovary

3. A sac-like or pear-shaped uterus for the growth and development of the embryo developed from the egg

4. A Vagina, and

5. Vulva, the outermost part.

Human Female Reproductive System, showing the uterus, fallopian tube (oviduct), ovary, cervix, and vagina.


  • The two ovaries are small ovoid bodies. 
  • There the peripheral part produces ova or the eggs. 
  • Normally, only one egg matures in each ovary every alternate month.
  • A maturing egg contained in a cellular sac is called the follicle. 
  • As the egg grows larger, the follicle also enlarges and gets filled with a fluid that is now called the Graafian follicle.
  • When ripe, the follicle bulges over the surface of the ovary. 

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It is the process in which the ova- producing cells give rise to the mature ovum. 


  • It is the rupture of the follicle releasing the egg .
  • The released egg is picked up by the fimbriae (cilia) of the oviducal funnel of the oviduct. 
  • The remnant of the follicle persists for some time to convert into a yellow mass called corpus uteum (corpus: body, luteum: yellow). 

Ovaries secretes two hormones :

Estrogen (as was secreted by the follicle priorto ovulation).


Also Check – Male Reproductive System

2. OVIDUCTS – Fallopian Tubes

  • The two oviducts, also called Fallopian tubes or uterine tubes, are about 12 cm long. 
  • Near the corresponding ovary, each oviduct has a funnel- shaped opening called the oviducal funnel. 
  • Cilia lining the funnel help to pick up and push the released ovum into the oviduct.
  • Subsequently , the Waves of muscular contractions (or peristalsis) of the wall of oviduct push the egg down into the uterus.


  • The uterus is a hollow pear-shaped  muscular organ situated in the pelvic cavity between
  • the urinary bladder and the rectum. 
  • It has two regions, an upper wider portion which receives the two oviducts and a small lower constricted part, the cervix or neck.

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  • The vagina is a muscular tube  starting from the lower end of the uterus up to the outside.
  • The vagina receives the male penis during copulation.
  • The great elasticity of its wall also allows the passage of the baby during childbirth. 
  • The opening of the vagina in young females is partially closed by a thin membrane called hymen (or the virgin knot).
  • The hymen is frequently ruptured in childhood due to strenuous physical exercise or disease.


  • The external female genitalia is called the vulva. 
  • It contains independent openings of the urethra and vagina.
  • The sides of the vulva have two small fleshy folds, the labia minora (lesser lips) which are hidden by larger hairy folds, the labia majora (greater lips).
  • These folds are the equivalents of the male scrotum.
  • In the uppermost angle of the vulva in front of the urethral opening is located a small erectile clitoris which is highly sensitive and is the equivalent of male penis.

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