Food Where Does It Come From – Question Answers – Very Short
Question 1 From where do humans obtain their food?
Answer 1 . The plants, animals and their products are the main sources of food for humans.
Question 2. Why do boiled seeds fail to sprout? – NCERT Exemplar
Answer 2 . The boiled seeds fail to sprout because boiling of seeds kills them.
Question 3. Write two plants whose roots are used as vegetables.
Answer 3 . Carrot and radish are used as vegetables.
Question 4. Where do bees store honey?
Answer 4 . The bees store honey in their nest which is known as a beehive.
Question 5. While preparing idli, what major ingredients are used?
Answer 5. Rice and water are the main ingredients of idli.
Question 6. Flowers of which plants are used as vegetables?
Answer 6. Pumpkin flowers are used as vegetables.
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Question 7. Name two ingredients in our food that are not obtained from plants or animals. Mention one source for each ingredient. – NCERT Exemplar
Answer 7 . The two ingredients in our food that are not obtained from plants or animals are
- Salt It is obtained from oceans and rocks.
- Water It is obtained from river/tap/pond/lake/ rain.
Question 8. Cooking of food is necessary. Why?
Answer 8 . We cook food so that it can be used by our body easily.
Question 9. Name two sugar producing plants.
Answer 9. Sugarcane and sugar beet are the sugar producing plants.
Question 10 . An animal shows an inclination towards eating a particular type of food item. What does this indicate?
Also Check -Class 6 Science Chapter 1- Food Where Does it Come from – Notes
Answer 10 . The Tendency to eat a particular type of food is called a food habit.
Question 11. Do you recognise all the ingredients that are used to prepare cooked rice?
Answer 11. Rice and water are used to cook the eatable cooked rice.
Question 12. Name any three edible parts of the plant.
Answer 12. Roots, fruits and leaves are edible parts in different plants.
Question 13. Can you categorize humans on the basis of food habit?
Answer 13. Human beings eat both plant and animal products, so on the basis of this food habit they are categorized into Omnivores.
Question 14. Out of all identified parts, name the part of the plants that we generally eat .
Answer 14. We generally eat the fruit, root , leaves, stem ,tuber etc of many plants.
Question 15. Name any plant that grows in water and is eaten as a food.
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Answer 15. Lotus stem, fox nut seed is eaten as a food.
Question 16. Two set ups are prepared from pulses, one set up shows dry seeds while the other is sprouted. Which seeds will have more nutritious value, sprouted or normal seeds?- NCERT EXEMPLAR – HOTS
Answer 16. Sprouted seeds will have more nutritious value.
Question 17. People living in different regions of India show variations in food habits. How do we conclude this?
Answer 17. Food habits depend on availability, lifestyle, climate, environment of the regions people live in, thus leading to variations in food habits.
Question 18. Mention a plant whose seeds and leaves are useful for us.
Answer 18. Seeds of fenugreek plants are used as spices/ condiments and leaves as vegetables (methi).
Question 19.What is the term used for different components of food?
Answer 19. Ingredients.
Question 20. Pulses are rich sources of proteins, usually cooked. Is there a way to consume pulses raw?
Answer 20. Yes, one can use sprouted pulses. In this form, pulses are highly nutritious.
Question 21. List all the major ingredients required for kheer preparation. Which of the ingredients comes from animals?
Answer 21. The ingredients of kheer are rice, sugar and milk. Milk is a product obtained from animals (cow/buffalo).
Question 22. Does preparing different food items involve the addition of the same Ingredients? Give an example.
Answer 22. Yes,preparing different food items involve the addition of the same ingredients. For Example some ingredients used in preparation of various dishes are water, salt and oil etc .
Question 23. There is a liquid syrup like food material obtained from some animal. It is made by some insects using nectar and pollen. Name the product and the animal who makes it. NCERT EXEMPLAR HOTS
Answer 23. The described properties of food resemble honey. It is made by Honeybees. It is a nutritious food rich in sugar, minerals and enzymes.
Question 24. An essential food is provided by bees. What is it?
Answer 24. We get honey from bees as a food product. It is highly nutritious, rich in sugars, minerals and enzymes.
Question 25. Name the food ingredients that are obtained from plants.
Answer 25. Grains, cereals, pulses, spices, vegetables and fruits.
Question 26. Name the food materials that are obtained from animals.
Answer 26. Milk, meat and eggs.
Question 27. Why do boiled seeds fail to sprout ? NCERT EXEMPLAR
Answer 27. Seeds lose the viability of boiling, so boiled seeds fail to sprout.
Question 28.Where do bees store honey? NCERT Exemplar
Answer 28. Bees store honey in their beehives.
Question 29. Are there any food materials that have sources other than plants and animals? Name them, if any.
Answer 29. Yes, salt and water are obtained from sources other than plants and animals.
Question 30. Name the food eaten by humans that is produced by insects.
Answer 30. Honey.
Question 31. Who are non-vegetarians ?
Answer 31. People who eat meat, egg, fish and other foods of animal origin are non-vegetarians.