How do the Guard cells Regulate Opening and Closing of Stomatal Pores - class 10

How do the Guard cells Regulate Opening and Closing of Stomatal Pores

Guard cells surround the stomata on the underside of leaves and regulate the gas exchange necessary for photosynthesis. They change shape to open and close the tiny pores. The stomata close when it is dark or the water level is low, while they open when there is plenty of light and water. Two theories, the potassium ion concentration theory and the sugar concentration theory, explain how the guard cells regulate the opening and closing of the stomata pores.

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Respiration Class 10 Notes

Chapter 6 Life Processes – Respiration Complete notes Explained with diagrams and examples for class 10th. Types of Respiration,Exchange of gasses in Plants , Respiration in Human Beings ,Human Respiratory Organs ,Blood supply to the lungs ,Mechanism of Gaseous Exchange In Humans Explained with Diagrams and steps .

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