Autotrophic Nutrition – Significance ,Types, Organisms and Examples

Autotrophic nutrition, including photosynthesis and chemosynthesis, is of great significance for sustaining life on Earth. Autotrophs, such as plants, algae, and chemosynthetic bacteria, synthesise their own food. They play a vital role as producers, fixing carbon dioxide and forming the foundation of energy pyramids and food chains. Autotrophs fuel the development of ecosystems and provide essential nourishment for heterotrophs.

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How are Fats Digested in our Body ? Where does this process take place? - class 10

How are Fats Digested in our Body ? Where does this process take place?

Fat digestion takes place mainly in the small intestine, where large globules are emulsified by the bile of the liver. Pancreatic lipase further breaks down the globules into absorbable molecules. The digestive juices in the small intestine convert these molecules into fatty acids and glycerol. This complicated process ensures efficient fat digestion and takes place in coordination between the liver, gallbladder, pancreas and small intestine.

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Small Intestine designed to absorb Digested Food

How is the Small Intestine designed to absorb Digested Food ?

The small intestine, a vital component of the digestive system, has a remarkable design optimised for efficient absorption of digested food. With millions of finger-like projections called villi, the inner surface area of the small intestine is significantly increased, facilitating nutrient absorption. This intricate structure, combined with the secretion of intestinal juices and specialised epithelial cells, ensures effective extraction of important nutrients from the food we consume.

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what is heterotrophic nutrition,heterotrophic nutrition types heterotrophic nutrition examples

Heterotrophic Nutrition – Definition ,Types and Examples – Class 10

Heterotrophic nutrition refers to the mode of nutrition in which organisms rely on other organisms for food. It can be classified into three main types – holozoic nutrition, saprotrophic nutrition, and parasitic nutrition. Holozoic nutrition involves the ingestion, digestion and absorption of complex organic material. The saprotrophic nutrition obtains its nutrients from decaying organic material, while parasites obtain their food nutrition from living hosts.

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What is Photosynthesis? Explain the Process of Photosynthesis

What is Photosynthesis? Explain the Process of Photosynthesis

Photosynthesis is the process by which green plants, algae and some bacteria convert light energy into chemical energy in the form of organic compounds such as glucose. This process occurs in chloroplasts where chlorophyll absorbs light energy and converts it into chemical energy. Raw materials required for photosynthesis include carbon dioxide and water, which are converted into glucose and oxygen through a series of chemical reactions. The process of photosynthesis is divided into three phases: Absorption, Conversion and Reduction.

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nutrition in paramecium class 10

Nutrition in Paramecium – Class 10

Paramecium, a tiny unicellular animal, feeds on microorganisms through holozoic nutrition. It has cilia to engulf food through the oral groove. The five steps are ingestion, digestion, absorption, assimilation and egestion. Paramecium can regulate food intake and selectively choose its food. It is a model organism for the study of nutrition in unicellular organisms.

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Digestive Glands - Definition , Types and Functions

Digestive Glands – Definition , Types and Functions

Digestive glands are organs that produce digestive juices to help break down food and absorb nutrients. There are five main types of digestive glands in the human body: salivary glands, gastric glands, pancreas, liver and intestinal glands. Each gland has a specific function in the digestive process, such as producing enzymes or regulating blood sugar levels. Understanding the functions of these glands is essential for maintaining a healthy digestive system.

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digestion in amoeba

Nutrition in Amoeba Class 10

Amoeba uses holozoic nutrition.It ingests solid food particles and breaks them down into simpler molecules. The process involves ingestion using pseudopodia followed by digestion in vacuoles. Absorption occurs through diffusion and assimilation is done by transporting nutrients to the cytoplasm. Finally waste removal occurs through exocytosis in amoeba.all this process explained with diagram to understand and write in school assignment and exams .

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