Long answer questions.
1. Write about the major bones present in our body.
Answer – The skeleton consists of the skull, backbone, ribcage, limbs, jawbone, and girdle bones.
The skull is a hollow, round structure present in the head.
Structure of skull
It is made up of 22 bones, of which eight bones form the part of the skull (that protects the brain) and the remaining 14 bones form the face. In addition, there are six small bones in our ears: three in each ear. All the bones of the skull are fixed and immovable, except the lower jaw.The lower jaw is joined to the upper jaw.The upper and lower jaws have teeth.
Functions of skull
- The skull covers and protects the brain.
- It also gives shape to the face. The movable lower jaw helps us to talk and eat (teeth).
- Jawbone The jawbone is the U-shaped bone of the lower jaw.
Structure of jawbone
It is the largest and strongest bone in the skull. It is the only bone in the skull that can move.
Function of jawbone :
It helps us to move our mouth so that we can chew food.
.The backbone is a long and flexible bony structure, It is also known as the vertebral column or spine
It is connected to the base of the skull at its top.
Structure of backbone:
It is made up of 33 small, ring Iike bones. The individual small bones are called vertebra. The delicate spinal cord passes through them.
The backbone encloses and protects the delicate spinal cord.
The ribcage is a bony structure present in the chest region.
Structure of ribcage :
It is made up of 12 pairs of thin, curved bones called ribs.
A long, flat bone, called the sternum, is present at the center of the chest and holds these ribs together in the front.
At the back, the ribs are held together by the spine or backbone.
However, the last two pairs of ribs are not attached to the sternum. These two pairs of ribs are called the floating ribs.
Also Check – Bones And Muscles Class 5 – Short Question Answers
Function of ribcage:
The ribcage protects the delicate organs such as the heart and the lungs.
Human beings have four limbs: a pair of upper limbs (arms) and a pair of lower limbs (legs),.
Upper limbs:
Upper limbs have two parts: the upper arm and the lower arm. The bone present in the upper arm, called humerus, is joined to the two bones of the lower arm at the elbow region, radius and ulna.
Function of upper limbs
Its bones along with muscles and joints , causes movement of arms, and thus helps in doing activities well as as eating, writing and lifting things.
Lower limbs:
The lower limb consists of the thigh (the upper leg), the leg (the lower leg), and the foot.
The thigh consists of a single bone, the femur which is the largest bone in the body.
The leg consists of two long bones, the tibia and fibula, and the sesamoid bone, the patella, that serves as the knee cap.
The foot consists of 26 bones, which are grouped into the tarsals, metatarsals, and phalanges.
Also Check – Bones And Muscles Class 5 – Worksheet
Functions of lower limbs:
Its bones along with muscles and joints, causes movement of legs, and thus helps to walk, and run.
A girdle is a bony, ring-like structure.
There are two girdles present in our body:
the shoulder girdle and the hip girdle,
The shoulder girdle is made up of the shoulder blade and the collar bone.
The hip girdle is made up of three bones fused to form a single bone.
2. What are the major functions of bones in the human body?
Answer 2 : The main functions of the bones that form the skeleton are listed as follows.
Shape and support: It gives shape and support to the body.
Protection: It protects the delicate internal organs such as the brain, spinal cord, heart, and lungs.
Movement: It allows the movement of the various ports of the body.
Production and storage: Bone marrow present inside the bones produces the red blood cells. The bones of the skeleton also store the mineral calcium.
3. What is the importance of joints and muscles?
Answers 3 – Importance of joints:
The bones resent the human body are rigid and cannot bend. The joints make our body flexible by allowing movement in different directions.
There are three types of joints in the functional classification: immovable, partly movable, and movable joints.
- Immovable joints allow little or no movement at the joint. Most immovable joints are fibrous joints..
- Partly movable joints permit slight movement.
- Movable joints allow bones to move freely
Importance of muscles:
Muscles are the. soft tissues present at various places in our body.They are present around bones, joints, and even inside our organs
Importance of muscles:
- Muscles provide support to the bones.
- They assist the skeleton in moving the limbs and other parts of the body
- Muscles inside the internal organs help them in carrying out important functions
For example, the cardiac muscles help the heart in pumping blood to different parts of the body.
4. Describe the food items that make bones and muscles strong.
Answer 4 : .To make our bones and joints strong and healthy, we should do the following
- Eat food items that are rich in proteins. Proteins help in the growth and repair of the body. They also help in building muscles. Food items that are rich in proteins are also called body-building foods. Young children need a greater protein-rich diet than adults to help in their growth and development. Milk, eggs, cheese, fish, Some food items meat, beans, and pulses are good sources of proteins. that contain proteins.
- Eat food items that are rich in calcium. It helps in the formation of bones and teeth.
- Some examples of calcium-rich foods are milk, curd, almond, and cheese.
- Vitamins and minerals protect our body from diseases and help in making bones, joints, and muscles strong and healthy. Some important vitamins that our body needs to maintain strong bones, joints, and muscles are vitamins C and D. Vitamin C helps in repairing the cartilages in joints, while vitamin D helps the body to absorb the calcium present in food.
- Examples of food that are rich in vitamin C include all citrus fruits, dark green lea vegetables, and tomatoes. Fatty fish, cheese, and yolks are some sources of vitamin D. Fresh fruits and vegetables, milk, eggs, and peanuts are rich sources of vitamins and minerals
- Exercise regularly. Some physical activities that are good for bones and joints include walking, running, and playing sports such as football, basketball, and tennis. Some simple yoga exercises that involve balance and stretching are also good for the bones, joints, and muscles.
5.What is the importance of good posture and exercise?
Answer 5 : Posture is the way in which we keep our body while standing or sitting. It is important to keep our backs straight while sitting or standing. It is incorrect to sit or stand with our back bent. A bent back puts burden on the backbone and joints. This may lead to joint and muscle pain later.
We must exercise regularly. Some physical activities that are good for bones and joints include walking, running, and playing sports such as football, basketball, and tennis. Some simple yoga exercises that involve balance and stretching are also good for the bones, joints, and muscles.