What are the Different Methods of Contraception – Class 10th


The common methods of contraception are as follows:

1. Hormonal Methods (Pills) : 

  • Various hormonal preparations come in the form of tablets or pills (commonly called contraceptive pills).
  • These hormones prevent the release of the egg from the ovary.

Also Check- Reproduction In Human Beings

2. Barrier Methods :

Condom (e.g. Nirodh): 

It is used by men only. It is made of latex (rubber sheath). 

It prevents the sperms from being deposited in the vagina.

Diaphragms : 

These are round latex caps with coil springs. 

These caps can be fitted deep in the vagina on the mouth of the uterus (cervix). 

These caps prevent the entry of sperms into the uterus.

Sperm-killing (spermicidal) agents:

These are chemicals placed in the vagina near the cervix, which kill the sperms if they are there.

3. Intrauterine Devices (IUDs) : The two devices

Commonly used in India are Lippes Loop and Copper-T. 

These are fitted inside the uterus.

These do not stop fertilization but prevent implantation of the blastocyst (embryo).

4. Surgical methods :

Tubectomy (for female): 

In this surgical method , the abdomen is opened and the fallopian tubes (oviducts) are cut or ligated i.e. tied with nylon thread to close the passage of the egg. 

Vasectomy (in male) : 

In this surgery, a small cut is made in the scrotum, vas deferens (sperm duct) from each testes is ligated and a small piece between the two ligatures is removed.

This surgery is easier, quicker and safer. So, it is recommended that between the couple, it is better if the husband gets operated. 

This operation has no harmful effect on manliness of any kind nor does it reduce the pleasure of intercourse or libido.


If the woman has somehow become pregnant and the couple does not want to have the child or if there is definite evidence of any serious genetic disease in the embryo based on a special test, then the foetus can be removed. 

This method should not be considered a contraceptive method, but as a last step that can be taken. 

This operation (forced abortion) should be performed only by a trained doctor at a 

hospital. Abortion is legally permitted (only within 5 months of pregnancy) and can be requested by any desirous female at any government hospital at no cost. For this, even husband’s consent is not necessary.

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