What are STDS- Sexually transmitted Diseases
These are diseases which spread by sexual contact from an infected person to a healthy person. They are caused by different pathogens transmitted during intimate contact by an infected person. The most common ones are gonorrhea, syphilis which are caused by bacteria. Viral infections like genital warts and HIV – AIDS are also common diseases.
Table of Contents
Examples of common STDS
It’s a Bacterial infection
Gonorrhea Causative organism –
- Contracted on during unprotected sexual intercourse with an infected person.
- Also passed by an infected mother to the developing foetus.
- Infects ureter in men and cervix in women.
Gonorrhea treatment
- Treatment with antibiotics is effective.
Symptoms of gonorrhea
- Discharge of pus from penis and vagina.
- Burning sensation on urinating.
Its a Bacterial infection
Syphilis Causative organism
- Syphilis is transmitted from person to person by direct contact with syphilis sores.
- These occur mainly on the external genitals, vagina, anus or in the rectum, can also occur on lips and mouth.
- Syphilis can be transmitted during vaginal, anal or oral sexual contact.
- Pregnant women with the disease can pass it to their unborn children.
Syphilis treatment
- Can be cured by antibiotics.
Symptoms of syphilis
- Appearance of sores on body parts.
- Fever, ulcers, bone pain, liver disease and anaemia. These symptoms slow up during the tertiary stage of syphilis.
AIDS ( Acquired ImmunoDeficiency Syndrome)
Its a viral infection
AIDS Causative organism-
HIV (Human immunodeficiency Virus)
Incurable and fatal as it suppresses the immune system of the body. It can be transferred in the following ways,
- during unprotected sexual intercourse with an infected person.
- sharing needles and transfusion of HIV unscreened blood.
- from the mother to the child via placenta during pregnancy.
Genital Warts
Its a viral infection
Causative organism
HPV (Human papillomaVirus )
- Causes warts over the external genitalia and perianal area.
Treatment of Genital Warts
- Podophyllum preparations are effective in treatment.
Class 10 Science MCQ