What is Peristaltic Movement class 10

What is Peristaltic Movement – Class 10

Peristaltic movement, also known as peristalsis or peristalsis in the digestive tract, is a wave-like contraction and relaxation of the muscles that moves food through the GI tract. It is coordinated by the enteric nervous system and involves circular and longitudinal muscle contractions. Peristalsis aids digestion, absorption of nutrients and elimination of waste, making it a vital process in the gastrointestinal tract.

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nutrition in paramecium class 10

Nutrition in Paramecium – Class 10

Paramecium, a tiny unicellular animal, feeds on microorganisms through holozoic nutrition. It has cilia to engulf food through the oral groove. The five steps are ingestion, digestion, absorption, assimilation and egestion. Paramecium can regulate food intake and selectively choose its food. It is a model organism for the study of nutrition in unicellular organisms.

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Digestive Glands - Definition , Types and Functions

Digestive Glands – Definition , Types and Functions

Digestive glands are organs that produce digestive juices to help break down food and absorb nutrients. There are five main types of digestive glands in the human body: salivary glands, gastric glands, pancreas, liver and intestinal glands. Each gland has a specific function in the digestive process, such as producing enzymes or regulating blood sugar levels. Understanding the functions of these glands is essential for maintaining a healthy digestive system.

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digestion in amoeba

Nutrition in Amoeba Class 10

Amoeba uses holozoic nutrition.It ingests solid food particles and breaks them down into simpler molecules. The process involves ingestion using pseudopodia followed by digestion in vacuoles. Absorption occurs through diffusion and assimilation is done by transporting nutrients to the cytoplasm. Finally waste removal occurs through exocytosis in amoeba.all this process explained with diagram to understand and write in school assignment and exams .

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What are the components of the transport system in Human Beings? What are the functions of these components?

What are the components of the Transport system in Human Beings? What are the functions of these components?

The components of Human Transport System comprises the heart, blood, Blood Vessels, and the lymphatic system. The Heart circulates blood throughout the body.The blood carries oxygen, carbon dioxide, nutrients, hormones and wastes. Blood Vessels are the network of tubes that carry blood.Arteries carry oxygenated blood, capillaries that facilitate material exchange and Veins return deoxygenated blood to the Heart. The lymphatic system transports lymphocytes and defends the body against pathogens, absorbs lipids and eliminates waste.

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Explain the Mechanism of Breathing in Human Beings

This article systematically explains the mechanism of breathing in human beings. It covers the processes of inhalation, gas exchange in alveoli, and exhalation. Detailed descriptions are provided for each step, emphasizing the biological and physiological aspects in a clear, concise manner, tailored for understanding the fundamental process of human respiration.

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What is the role of Saliva in the Digestion of Food?

What is the role of Saliva in the Digestion of Food?

Saliva plays a crucial role in the digestion of food by lubricating and binding food, breaking down complex carbohydrates, maintaining oral hygiene and preventing the growth of bacteria. Saliva also contains enzymes that help initiate the digestive process by breaking down starch into simpler sugars. Saliva is an important part of the digestive process, facilitating the breakdown and absorption of nutrients from food.

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What is the Function of the Digestive Enzymes ?

What is the Function of the Digestive Enzymes ?

Digestive enzymes, such as salivary amylase and lipase, play an important role in the breakdown of carbohydrates, proteins, fats and nucleic acids. They are secreted at various points in the digestive system, including the mouth, stomach and small intestine. These enzymes facilitate the digestion of complex food molecules into simpler forms that can be absorbed by the body. Without digestive enzymes, nutrient absorption would be compromised

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