Table of Contents
1 . A machine is a tool which
- makes work easier
- saves our time
- needs less effort
- All of the these
2 . Examples of simple machine
- pulley
- wedge
- lever
- All of these
3. Example of class one lever is
- wheelbarrow
- nutcracker
- seesaw
- Tweezers
4 . Which of the following is an example of a wedge?
- Stapler
- Screw
- Knife
- Nutcracker
5. A pulley consists of
- a wheel
- a modified inclined plane
- a lever
- an inclined plane .
6. With what force does every object in the universe attract other objects near it?
- frictional force
- gravitational force
- elastic force
- mechanical force
7. What is the force that makes a material resist stretching and go back to its original state?
- a) muscular force
- b) frictional force
- c) elastic force
- d) gravitational force
8. Which of these is a second-class lever?
- a) scissors
- b) pliers
- c) tweezers
- d) bottle opener
9. Which of these is not a simple machine?
- a) see-saw
- b) scissors
- c) bicycle
- d) screwdriver
10. What is used to convert water energy to electrical energy?
- a)turbine
- b) windmill
- c) solar cooker
- d) all of these
11. Work is not done when
- a. Running
- b. studying
- c. walking
- d. playing cricket
12. Energy giving food is :
- a. Corn
- b. Oil
- c. wheat
- d. All of these
13. Heat energy is given by
- a.LPG
- b. coal
- c. sun
- d. All of these
14. Which of the following is an example of renewable energy sources?
- a.Petroleum
- b. Sun
- c. Natural gas
- d. Coal
15. Which is done when a force moves an object through some distance
- a) work
- b) all of these
- c) energy
- d) force
16. Mind work such as reading is not a
- a) task
- b) home work
- c) work
- d) none of these
17. Work done depends on the
- a) force applied
- b) energy
- c) object
- d) none of these
18. _____ is the ability to do work
- a) energy
- b) both
- c) force
- d) none of these
19. _____ is the energy an object has because of its motion or its position.
- a) mechanical energy
- b) light energy
- c) heat energy
- d) none of these
20. Which energy we get by burning of fuels?
- a) heat
- b) none of these
- c) light
- d) solar
21. Which energy is used by plants?
- a) light
- b) chemical
- c) heat
- d) none of these
22. Electric gadget work because of energy.
- a) electrical
- b) sound
- c) light
- d) none of these
23. Which energy is used to cook food?
- a) heat
- b) electrical
- c) sound
- d) all of these
24. We use _____ to play cricket
- a) muscular energy
- b) both
- c) chemical energy
- d) none of these
25. Our main source of energy is the
- a) sun
- b) petrol
- c) coal
- d) wood
26. Solar cookers, solar heater and solar panel use energy of the
- a) sun
- b) none of these
- c) light
- d) electricity
27. Wood, coal and petroleum are example of a
- a) fuel
- b) none of these
- c) matter
- d) both
28. Petroleum and natural gas are made in nature from
- a) none of these
- b) animals
- c) plants
- d) both
29. ____ is made in nature from trees that died millions of years ago.
- a) coal
- b) petrol
- c) diesel
- d) none of these
30. We get hydroelectricity from
- a) flowing water
- b) sea
- c) raining water
- d) river sand
31. Wind energy is used to generate electricity in a
- a) wind mill
- b) rice mill
- c) flour mill
- d) none of these
32. Sources of energy that can be used again and again will never run out.
- a) renewable energy
- b) none of these
- c) non – renewable energy
- d) both
Which source of energy is eco – friendly?
- a) all of these
- b) wind
- c) Sun
- d) running water
33. Energy obtained from the earth is called
- a) geothermal energy
- b) both
- c) tidal energy
- d) none of these
34. We get tidal energy from
- a) sea waves
- b) sun
- c) wind
- d) all of these
35. What is called a structure built on rivers to get electricity?
- a) dam
- b) road
- c) check dam
- d) none of these
36. We should use ____ efficient gadgets.
- a) energy
- b) both
- c) heat
- d) none of these
37. We feel warmer on rubbing our hands together. It is due to:
- (A) Electrostatic force
- (B) Gravitational force
- (C) Frictional force
38. Which of the following is an example of class- 1 Lever?
- Seesaw
- Stapler
- Fishing rod
Also Check – Force Work And Energy -Notes
Fill in the blanks
- A simple machine has (many/few) parts.
- The fixed point around which the rod moves is called the (effort/fulcrum).
- A pair of scissors is an example of class (one/two) lever.
- In a pulley the wheel rotates around the (axle/fulcrum).
- The movable pulley has (fixed/movable) axle.
- When we are (jogging/sleeping), work is done.
- Energy is (capacity/thinking) to do work.
- Whenever work is done, there is (no transfer/transfer) of energy.
- A force is a pull or a push.
- The force of gravity pulls everything down.
- When a force moves an object, work is done.
- Coal and petrol have energy stored in them. They are called fuels.
- A moving football comes to a stop after some time because of the force of Friction.
- A pull or push applied by a magnet on metals such as iron or another magnet is known as Magnetism
- Work is said to be done when a force applied on an object it to move in the direction of force.
- Energy is needed to perform work
- Capacity of doing work is called energy
- The source of energy in a car is petrol
- We apply force by pushing and pulling.
- The Sun is the main source of energy.
Write true or false of the following statement
(i) Things can move without any force acting on them. false
(ii) Energy is required to do work. true
(iii) If a moving object comes to a stop, it means some force is acting on it. true
(iv) Energy in food indirectly comes from the Sun. true
(v) Energy of wind can be used to generate electricity. True
vi)In the game of tug and war people push the rope towards each other. FALSE
vii) A force can change the shape of an object. TRUE
viii) Rough surface such as carpet produces less friction FALSE
ix). Heat produced due to electrostatic force can also damage some machine parts. FALSE
x) Crowbar is an example of class 1 Lever. TRUE
xi) A bottle opener is an example of class-2 lever. TRUE
Also Check –Force Work And Energy Question Answers
Name the following
(i) Energy you get by burning fuels : heat energy
(ii) Energy that plants use to make food: light energy
(iii) Energy that we use to run a fan: electrical energy
(iv) Our main source of energy; it gives us heat and light energy : Sun
v)Two types of machines: simple, complex
vi) The external force that has to be applied on a lever at a particular place : effort
vii) Three kinds of levers : first class, second class, third class
viii) A lever in which the load is situated between the fulcrum and effort: second class lever
Give two examples of the following
- Simple machines : lever, pulley
- Class-one lever : scissors, see-saw
- Class-two lever: bottle opener. Nut cracker
- Class-three lever : tongs, fishing rod
- Wheel and axle : steering wheel, doorknob
- Inclined plane : Hospital ramps, slide
- Wedge : knife, axe
Picture Study
A. Observe the given picture and answer the following questions.
- Name the given structure shown in the picture.
Ans: It is a wind turbine
- Which energy does it use?
Ans: It uses wind energy
- Is it renewable or non-renewable energy? How can you say so?
Ans: It is a renewable energy as wind is a renewable source of energy .i.e. It will not exhaust with continuous use.
- Is this structure beneficial for us? Write its role.
Ans: Yes, it is useful because it converts wind energy to electrical energy which can be used and it is a renewable source of energy.
B. Look at the given picture and answer the following questions.
Name the useful tool shown in the given picture.
Ans: It is a nutcracker
Which type of simple machine it is—a lever, wheel and axle, wedge, or screw?
Ans: It is a lever
Mention its kind. Give a reason for it.
Ans: It is a second class lever as the load i.e the walnut is between the fulcrum and effort(here hand).
Very helpful and nice material. Thank you
thanks 🙂
It is very helpful and clear understanding about the fundamental basic. Thoroughly also described.
Thank you So much !