Question 1. Name two substances which provide carbohydrates.
Ans. Rice ,Wheat
Question 2. Name two plant food items which provide proteins.
Ans. Legumes, Soyabean
Question 3. Out of the following food items, which one does not provide any nutrients?
Milk, Water, Orange juice, Tomato soup
Ans. Among the given food items, water does not provide any nutrients .
Question 4. Which vitamin represents a group of vitamins?
Ans. Vitamin-B complex.
Question 5. Name the various types of vitamins.
Ans. Vitamin-A, C, D, E, K and B-complex.
Question 6. Do you think all nutrients can be made available to us from only one source of food?
Ans. No, different nutrients are available from a variety of foods derived from different sources.
Also Check – Class 6 – Science – Chapter 2 – Components of Food – Notes
Question 7. Is there a situation called overnutrition?
Ans. Yes, when there is more intake of food it can lead to condition like obesity indicating overnutrition.
Question 8. Do people of all ages and different professional backgrounds need the same type of diet?
Ans. No, the people of all ages and different professions require different types of nutrients according to their physical work.
Question 9. Fat rich foods are harmful for us if we eat them too much. What do you think?
Ans. Yes, it can be very harmful to eat too much fat rich foods. Unused fats get deposited in ourbod y.
Question 10. Riboflavin is the scientific name of which vitamin?
Ans. Vitamin-B₂ is riboflavin.
Question 11. Name the vitamin which is prepared in our body using in the presence of sunlight.
Ans. Vitamin-D is synthesized when we are in sunlight.
Question 12. Ascorbic acid deficiency causes a disease which can be avoided if citrus fruits are incorporated in the diet. What is the common name of this nutrient and identify the disease caused by its deficiency?
Ans. Ascorbic acid is vitamin-C and it causes scurvy.
Question 13. The absence of water in our body for more than a day or two leads to what?
Ans. Acute dehydration develops in the absence of water.
Question 14. Name the Vitamins which can dissolve in water.
Ans. Vitamins dissolving in water are called water soluble vitamins. These are vitamin-B complex and vitamin-C.
Question 15. Name the component of food which is essential but has no nutrients/food value.
Ans. Roughage is the fibrous matter in food which cannot be digested but is essential for the body.
Question 16. The concept of salads with food encourages which habit in us?
Ans. Raw vegetables are eaten in salads, keeping their nutrient values intact.
Question 17. Will the diets of a person working in an office on a computer different from construction labor?
Ans. Yes, the labor needs more energy giving foods like carbohydrates and fats.
Question 18. Cellulose is also a carbohydrate, then why is it not digested in our body?
Ans. The enzymes responsible for breaking cellulose into simple forms are absent in our body.
Question 19. Proteins are called the building blocks of our body. Why?
Ans. Proteins help in maintenance of cells and tissues of our body and support growth.
Question 20. lodine solution is used to detect the presence of which food component?
Ans. Carbohydrates in the form of starch are tested by iodine test.
Question 21. Name the simplest form in which carbohydrates break down in the body.
Ans. Glucose is the simplest form of carbohydrates.
Question 22. If an appropriate amount of vitamin-D is not formed in the body or taken from food sources, what will happen?
Ans. Rickets; a condition causing bones to go soft and bend (deformed bones).
Question 23. Food provides some components to our body which are essential for healthy survival. What will happen in their absence?
Ans. In the absence of nutrients provided by food, the body will become very weak and different Deficiency diseases and disorders will threaten to occur.
Question 24. Blood clotting is a function of which nutrients?
Ans. Vitamin-K and calcium both help in clotting of blood.
Question 25. Name the problems which occur due to lack of proteins.
Ans. Swelling of face, discoloration of hair, skin diseases and diarrhea.
Question 26. Identify the cause of disease known as beri-beri.
Ans. Deficiency of vitamin-B, causes disease beri-beri.
Question 27. Name the disease caused by the deficiency of vitamin-C.
Ans. Scurvy is caused by deficiency of vitamin-C.
Question 28. Write the main cause of the disease called ‘Goiter’.
Ans. Goiter disease is mainly caused by deficiency of iodine.
Question 29. Are there any ingredients in food which do not provide any nutrients?
Ans. Water and roughage are two components of food which do not provide any nutrients.
Question 30. List the main function of roughage in our diet.
Ans. The main function of roughage is to help our body to get rid of undigested food.
Question 31. Give the name of two components of food which provide energy.
Ans. Carbohydrates and fats are two components of food which provide energy.
Question 32. Which vitamin is destroyed by heat?
Ans. Vitamin-C is easily destroyed by heat during the cooking of food.
Question 33. Is there a way to find the presence of water in food?
Ans. Yes, vegetables and fruits like spinach leaves, tomatoes, melon and oranges when cut release a small amount of water. This indicates that these food materials contain water.
Question 34. Deficiency of which mineral results in anemia ?
Ans. Iron.
Question 35. What are the symptoms of rickets?
Ans. Soft and bent bones.
Question 36. How will you prevent deficiency diseases ?
Ans. By eating a balanced diet.
Question 36. What is a balanced diet?
Ans. A diet that contains all the nutrients needed for the growth and maintenance of good health is called a balanced diet. It should also contain a good amount of roughage and water.
Question 37. Why is glucose called a source of instant energy ?
Ans. Glucose directly enters the bloodstream and pro- duces energy through respiration immediately. Hence, it acts as a source of instant energy.
Question 38. Which type of foods are known as body-building foods?
Ans. Protein-rich foods are known as body-building foods.