Class 7 Science- Chapter 1- Nutrition in Plants- Activity 1.2 – Observing Fungal Growth on Bread

This activity provides practical insights into how fungi grow and interact with their environment, which is an important aspect of understanding ecosystems and the role of different organisms within them.

Class 7 Science- Chapter 1- Nutrition in Plants- Activity 1.2 – Observing Fungal Growth on Bread Read More

Chapter 10: A Detailed Guide to “Electric Current and its Effects” Activities for Class 7 Students

Each activity in this guide offers a practical way to understand electricity and its real-world uses. As you do these experiments, you’ll learn important concepts and develop hands-on skills. Remember, always be safe when working with electricity and ask an adult or teacher for help if you need it. These experiments are more than just learning; they’re about exploring and enjoying science

Chapter 10: A Detailed Guide to “Electric Current and its Effects” Activities for Class 7 Students Read More

Class 7 Science- Chapter 10- Electric Current and its Effects- Extended Learning Activities and Projects

These activities are designed to extend the learning experience beyond the classroom, offering hands-on, practical understanding of key concepts in electricity and magnetism. They encourage exploration, observation, and critical thinking, essential skills for budding scientists.

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Class 7 Science- Chapter 10- Electric Current and its Effects- Activity Electric Bell – Understanding the Working Principle

Through the study of an electric bell, students learn how electromagnets can be utilised to perform work, in this case, to create sound. It provides a practical example of electromagnetism in action and illustrates how electrical energy can be converted into mechanical energy.

Class 7 Science- Chapter 10- Electric Current and its Effects- Activity Electric Bell – Understanding the Working Principle Read More

Class 7 Science- Chapter 10- Electric Current and its Effects- Activity 10.6- Building an Electromagnet

By building and experimenting with an electromagnet, students gain a practical understanding of electromagnetism. They learn how electricity can create magnetism and the various applications of this phenomenon in everyday technology

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Class 7 Science- Chapter 10- Electric Current and its Effects- Activity 10.5- Observing the Magnetic Effect of Electric Current with a Compass Needle

This activity helps students visually understand and grasp the concept of the magnetic effect of electric current. It lays the foundation for further exploration into how electricity and magnetism are interconnected, leading to the concept of electromagnets and their applications in various devices and technologies.

Class 7 Science- Chapter 10- Electric Current and its Effects- Activity 10.5- Observing the Magnetic Effect of Electric Current with a Compass Needle Read More

Class 7 Science- Chapter 10- Electric Current and its Effects- Activity 10.4- Understanding Electric Fuses Using a Steel Wool Circuit

Through this activity, students learn about the safety mechanism of electric fuses in a simple and visual way. They understand how fuses protect electrical circuits by breaking the circuit when a current higher than what the circuit can safely handle flows through it.

Class 7 Science- Chapter 10- Electric Current and its Effects- Activity 10.4- Understanding Electric Fuses Using a Steel Wool Circuit Read More

Class 7 Science- Chapter 10- Electric Current and its Effects- Activity 10.3- Demonstrating the Heating Effect of Electric Current with Nichrome Wire

This activity helps students understand the practical application of the heating effect of electric current, particularly how resistance in materials like nichrome wire can be utilised to generate heat. It also provides insights into the working principles of many household appliances.

Class 7 Science- Chapter 10- Electric Current and its Effects- Activity 10.3- Demonstrating the Heating Effect of Electric Current with Nichrome Wire Read More